1. use nginx ruby
2. rvm list -> rvm –default use 3.1.4
3. if there are problems with pg gem, above should solve it.
4. Problems with gem base64:
“passenger_preload_bundler on;” to your NGINX config.
then reinstall with “gem install base64 -v 0.2.0”
5. for production create rails credentials:“bin/rails credentials:edit –environment production”
“EDITOR=”mate –wait” bin/rails credentials:edit”
6. Test connection to psql: psql -h node152313-env-6566696.jcloud.ik-server.com -U webadmin -d shippi_production
7. dont forget bundle:install , db:migrate etc. in between and restart server
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
9. in config/database.yml set something like this for jelastic:
<<: *default
database: shippi_production
username: webadmin
password: “xxx”
host: nodexxx-env-222.jcloud.ik-server.com
port: 5432
dont forget to link database container to main. not sure if needed?